can kitty eat that? Yes!
Hey Good People!
January’s the month we see how long our New Year’s resolutions hold up — especially if one of those resolutions included eating a little healthier, due to a lot (or a lot depending on your stress levels that day) of extra time, extra stretchy pants, and now, extra COVID snacking. Kitty might have also got in on the extra nibbles to help cope with life, so you’re thinking maybe the lifestyle change will be good for both of you.
But what foods can you give kitty that are good for them, while managing your own dietary adjustments, without blowing up your food budget?
Turns out, some of yours! Here are foods you and kitty *can include as part of your “New Year, New You” diet.
*Remember to check in with your vet to make sure kitty is okay to eat the foods mentioned here (ie they’re not allergic to the human foods you plan on giving them), and that these foods should occasionally be fed to kitty in small amounts.
cooked meat
Cats are natural carnivores, and they rely on protein from meat for a healthy heart, vision, and reproductive system. Serve up some cooked chicken, turkey, beef, or lamb (de-boned and unseasoned — the one time it’s okay to make bland meat) and kitty will see how much you love kitty, making them love you more.
Unless you give them spoiled meat — if you wouldn’t eat it, don’t give it to your pet.

Photo by Clemens v. Vogelsang via Flickr.
We know, veggies are a hard sell for you and kitty. But vegetables are rich in vitamins, water (which cats have a hard time getting enough of), and fibre, which are great for digestion. If you think kitty would be amenable to nibbling on something green, steamed broccoli, asparagus, carrots, and peas are the way to go. Just make sure their steamed veggies are soft to the bite to prevent choking.

Photo by Linda via Flickr.
Cats can’t taste the sweetness of fruits so to them, they just feel bland mushy pieces in their mouth. Ew. But fruits are another great source of vitamins and berries have a great rep for antioxidants without the high sugar content. Cantaloupe and watermelon (de-seeded of course) make a great water source for kitty (There. Is. Nothing. Like cold watermelon on a hot day!) as well as apples. Want to give kitty an occasional exotic treat? A bit of banana is totally okay.

Photo by Kabsik Park via Flickr.
Just like fruits and vegetables, cats don’t find oatmeal the most appetizing, but oatmeal is high in protein (it’s a common ingredient in commercial cat food) and is easy enough to make if you’re in a pinch. Brown rice, polenta (roughly ground cornmeal), corn and couscous are some great alternatives to try, you may just have to mash them a bit first before you call kitty down for meal time.

Photo by Daniella Segura via Flickr.
Another protein superfood that also happens to be rich in Vitamin B (great for maintaining energy levels, brain function and cell metabolism), a bit of scrambled eggs is an effective — and affordable — way to make sure kitty gets the best out of their diet. (Uncooked eggs I'd avoid - as they can risk salmonella)

Photo by 16:9clue via Flickr.
Just about the best food ever for cats, fish comes with Omega-3 fatty acids which are essential keeping kitty’s vision sharp, as well as their joints, heart, and kidney functions healthy. Bonus, fish is also great for smooth skin and a shiny coat! A generous piece of cooked (sushi’s a no-no) boneless salmon is the perfect Kitty Appreciation Dinner meal.

Photo by Steven Zolneczko via Flickr.
If you’d rather stick to cat food items for kitty’s sake (and your peace of mind), feel free to check out the Scruffy Paws Daily Multi Health Bites! Each chew comes packed with over 20 essential vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids that help with everything from major body functions to better moods — which means more pounce-and-cuddle sessions for you!

Photo by via Flickr.
Stephanie Pollard
Writer. Pet Enthusiast. Ambivert.
Biddu loves broccoli and brussel sprouts. Not too cooked he likes them just starting to get soft. ROFL
My Marvin loved cantaloupe and garden tomatoes.
Toby used to eat bananas with me.
And they all love(d) sharing fish and chicken marbela.
My cat’s enjoy the crumbs from my Bran muffins
Great info. I can add these as supplements to their regular food for variety, since they are a bit finish.