Kidney Health
Vet Review: Scruffy Paws Kidney Vitalize Chews
Kidney disease is one of the most common health conditions seen in the cat. In fact, roughly 20 to 50% of cats ove...
Which Kidney Diet Is Best for Your Cat?
Unfortunately, there’s no single “best” kidney diet for your cat. The best one is the healthiest renal diet your c...
Cats, CKD and Protein Part 1: Building a Good Dietary Strategy
I’ve already written a bit about chronic kidney disease (CKD), and the challenges of getting your cat back on an ev...
Meet Scruffy Paws Experts

Dr. Pippa Elliott
Veterinary SurgeonIn addition to hands-on work in the clinic, Dr. Elliott is a veterinary copywriter, which includes a role as a developmental editor.

Dr Linda Simon
Veterinary SurgeonDr Linda Simon MVB MRCVS is a locum veterinary surgeon who has worked in London for the past 8 years.

Sara Ochoa, DVM
Veterinary ConsultantDr. Ochoa professional interests include surgery and exotic animal medicine. She has done surgery on many different animals
Vet Review: Scruffy Paws Kidney Vitalize Chews
Kidney disease is one of the most common health conditions seen in the cat. In fact, roughly 20 to 50% of cats ove...
Chronic Kidney Disease: A New Way for Kitty to Live
your cat can thrive with ckd
You and Kitty have been together for a long, long time now. Morning ri...
Introducing the Whirlwind Ragamuffin Brothers, Reno and Vegas
An odd thing happens when you choose to live with two or more cats. Instantly, the game of peaceful co-existence be...
Meet Queen Mallory — and Her Devoted Subject, Susan
Cats have so many admirable qualities, but let’s be honest and admit that humility isn’t one o...
The 2 Main Causes Of CKD… Could It Be Prevented? (UPDATED)
How did this happen?
Was it something I did?
Why didn’t I pick up on things sooner?
Meet Nicholas! An Old Boy With a New Lease on Life
One thing almost every cat lover knows and loves about their feline friends is that they have this amazing knack for...
Was It My Fault? The 2 Main Causes Of CKD…
“How On Earth Did This Happen?”
This is the first question EVERYBODY asks when faced with a CKD diagnosis f...
Choosing the right kidney diet for your cat
If you’re reading this, you probably know a fair bit about Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). Furthermore, you probably ...
Understanding the causes: Your cat and chronic kidney disease
“How On Earth Did This Happen?”
This is probably one the first question you’ll ask yourself when faced with a...
Which Kidney Diet Is Best for Your Cat?
Unfortunately, there’s no single “best” kidney diet for your cat. The best one is the healthiest renal diet your c...
How to Make Sure My Cat's Kidneys Stay Healthy
If you have a cat with chronic kidney disease (CKD) it can all be a bit daunting at first, not just for your felin...
What Is the CKD Diet and Why Is It Important?
If your cat has chronic kidney disease (CKD), sooner or later you’ll have to introduce your cat to a brand new die...
How to Make a Cat With CKD Feel Better - Part 2
In this two part guide, we’re looking at practical things you can do to help a cat with chronic kidney disease (CKD...
How to Make a Cat With CKD Feel Better - Part 1
As many as 30% to 50% of cats 15 years of age or older have chronic kidney disease (CKD).
While CKD is a serious co...
Dealing With Proteinuria in Cat Urine
When your furry little buddy’s kidneys and urinary tract are functioning as per factory specifications there will ...
Cats, CKD and Protein Part 2: Shifting a Cat to a Reduced Protein Diet
In Part One of this article we looked at the link between chronic kidney disease (CKD) in felines and proteinuria, ...
Cats, CKD and Protein Part 1: Building a Good Dietary Strategy
I’ve already written a bit about chronic kidney disease (CKD), and the challenges of getting your cat back on an ev...
What Is Feline CKD?
CKD stands for chronic kidney disease. It’s also known as chronic renal disease or simply as renal disease.
If you...
3 Steps For Giving a Cat The best Quality Of Life with CKD Diagnosis
If your fur ball has just been diagnosed with CKD don’t panic. Despite the condition being progressive, it is not a...
Treatment for Chronic Kidney Disease in cats: The right option
Chronic Kidney Disease in Cats
Once your kitty has been diagnosed with CKD, the next step is to decide on an appropr...
Your Questions Answered… How To Cope With Your Cats CKD Diagnosis
If you’re reading this you may have just received the news that your cat has been diagnosed with Chronic Kidney...
"Vets Eye View" - What Actually Happens? Making A CKD Diagnosis
So from the top…
A CKD diagnosis means that your furballs kidneys no longer function properly. And, without the appr...
Preventing Chronic Kidney Disease... Is It Even Possible?
CKD is one of the most common progressive illnesses found in cats. In fact, over 60% of all cats aged 15 and above w...
Do You Recognise The 8 Early Warning Signs Of CKD?
This may come as no surprise to you…
But Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is one of the most common conditions foun...