How Heavy Should my Cat be?
Cuddly cats are cute...but not always healthy. For many cats an overly ample waistline is a downpayment on health ...
Why Is My Cat Sneezing
Cats are such dignified creatures that a sudden sneeze can leave them looking startled. But aside from having their ...
Hearing Loss in Cats - What to Look For
'can kitty not hear me or something?' maybe.
We’re all aware that cats are the pets with really good ...
Meet Scruffy Paws Experts

Dr. Pippa Elliott
Veterinary SurgeonIn addition to hands-on work in the clinic, Dr. Elliott is a veterinary copywriter, which includes a role as a developmental editor.

Dr Linda Simon
Veterinary SurgeonDr Linda Simon MVB MRCVS is a locum veterinary surgeon who has worked in London for the past 8 years.

Sara Ochoa, DVM
Veterinary ConsultantDr. Ochoa professional interests include surgery and exotic animal medicine. She has done surgery on many different animals
How Heavy Should my Cat be?
Cuddly cats are cute...but not always healthy. For many cats an overly ample waistline is a downpayment on health ...
How Much Should I Feed my Cat
You can feed two cats the same quantity and one will put weight on and the other will lose! This is because cats bur...
Why Is My Cat Sneezing
Cats are such dignified creatures that a sudden sneeze can leave them looking startled. But aside from having their ...
How Often do You Take a Cat to the Vet?
One of the many reasons to love cats so much, is their independent spirit. But this doesn't mean your fur-friend wan...
Hearing Loss in Cats - Types of Diseases
Types of ear diseases that cause hearing loss in cats
Hey Good People, Happy New Yea —, sig...
Hearing Loss in Cats - What to Look For
'can kitty not hear me or something?' maybe.
We’re all aware that cats are the pets with really good ...
Keep Calm and Carry On - How To Keep Your Cats From Fighting
Since when is getting along this hard?!
Sigh. They’re at it again. You’ve lost count how many times y...
Try Something New?! How to Socialize Kitty
New situations? No problem (sorta)!
Hey Good People!
Picture this: the Christmas party. Making your w...
Whoops! Common Mistakes for first-time Pet Parents
It’s that time again! And we’re not just talking about Fall - there’s just something about #swea...
Welcome Home Kitty! Pet Ownership 101
welcome home kitty - pet ownership 101
The day has arrived. You spend hours watching pet love s...
Constipation & cats
Cats & constipation
Stephanie Pollard
A dedicated pet lover and writer who’s always int...
How to Work from Home with your Cat for Company
And for cat-lovers, that means that we are also having to get used to having our cats as co-workers. As homes are tu...
Watch Out For - Knowing When To Say Goodbye To Your Cat
When your furball has CKD, you slowly accept the fact that one day… they will have to cross the rainbow bridge. De...
Today we bring you the story of Tucker Lee - a Rootin' Tootin' ragdoll whose living his best life in Indiana. Not on...
Cat Parents That Care Series Vol 1: Ashleigh
As much as we pride ourselves on making goodies that really and truly help cats, we've always believed the real her...
11 Feline Hacks: Get Your Cat to Start Eating - Part 2
Welcome to Part Two of our guide to how to transition a fussy cat to a kidney-friendly diet. If you haven’t read P...
11 Feline Hacks: Get Your Cat to Start Eating - Part 1
Most cats are kind of fussy eaters. I don’t know if it’s part of their instinctive make-up to be careful about wha...
Dealing With Anemia in Cats
Blood carries oxygen around the body via red blood cells. Anemia is a health condition in which the blood doesn’t ...
Tales of a Cat Abroad
My cat stared suspiciously at the big orange crate in the corner of the living room.
I’d tried everything I could ...
Three Ways My Cats Are Spooky
Most of the time, my cats are gentle, fun-loving creatures. They go through life eating, sniffing stuff and finding ...
Weird Things My Cats Find Terrifying
I’ve had cats pretty much my whole life and they still confuse me. This is especially true of the weird things they ...